Nicolò Salvarani


Nicolò Salvarani

CNR Senior researcher

Nicolò Salvarani graduated in Biological Sciences in 2003 at the University of Parma, where he also obtained the PhD in Systemic Pathophysiology in 2008. He carried out part of his PhD and then 7 years of postdoctoral training in the “Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms” laboratory headed by Prof. Stephan Rohr at the Department of Physiology of the University of Bern (Switzerland). During these years he gained an extensive experience in cell and tissue electrophysiology.

In 2013, he moved back to Italy and joined the Inflammation and immunology in cardiovascular pathologies Lab headed by Prof. G. Condorelli at Humanitas Research Hospital, with the task to set up a dedicated electrophysiology unit in the laboratory to perform cardiac functional studies in multiple experimental pathophysiological models ranging from the cellular level to three-dimensional multicellular tissue systems.

Over the last 10 years, Nicolò Salvarani has successfully managed to establish the unit of “Cardiac cells electrophysiology and tissue engineering”, which is fully equipped with all the necessary instrumentation for a comprehensive functional assessment at cell and tissue levels, and he is currently responsible of the research activities of the unit. In this role, Nicolò Salvarani has been actively involved in several projects, which are currently ongoing and cover various topics in the field of cardiac electrophysiology. The most representative projects relate to the subcellular interaction between electrical charged nanoparticles/silicon carbide semiconductive nanowires and cardiac tissue, mechano-electric feedback towards progression of heart failure, new therapeutic approaches for cardiac arrhythmia, dynamics of the infarct border zone and primary cardiomyopathies (specifically genetic disorders caused by mutations in genes encoding proteins of the nuclear lamina – laminopathies).

Since February 2022, he is a tenured Researcher (III level) at the National Research Council of Italy, in the Institute of Genetic and Biomedical Research – Milan Unit, based at Humanitas Research Hospital.